A medical thriller set in the Emergency Room of a government hospital. The series explores the challenges faced by the medical staff at the hospital as well as other first responders across the city of Mumbai in dealing with a crisis of immense magnitude. In this battle to save lives and heal others, the ones doing the fixing are the most broken.
[ATishMKV] Mumbai Diaries S2 (Ep.01-08) (2023) Hindi Completed Web Series HEVC 480p ESub.mkv [910.34 MB]
[ATishMKV] Mumbai Diaries S2 (Ep.01-08) (2023) Hindi Completed Web Series HEVC 720p ESub.mkv [1.47 GB]
[ATishMKV] Mumbai Diaries S2 (Ep.01-08) (2023) Hindi(DD5.1-160Kbps) Completed Web Series HEVC1080p ESub.mkv [3.94 GB]
Guns and Gulaab Netflix