In the picturesque city of Jaipur, Chirag, a charming yet commitment-phobic bachelor, falls head over heels for the spirited and independent Riddhi. However, their path to love is riddled with hilarious chaos and misunderstandings as they navigate family expectations, cultural clashes, and their own personal baggage. Will they overcome the odds and find their happily ever after?
[ATishMKV] – Ghudchadi.2024.1080p.JC.WEB-DL.Marathi.AAC2.0.H.264.mkv [1.98 GB]
[ATishMKV] – Ghudchadi.2024.480p.JC.WEB-DL.Marathi.AAC2.0.H.264.mkv [702.29 MB]
[ATishMKV] – Ghudchadi.2024.720p.JC.WEB-DL.Marathi.AAC2.0.H.264.mkv [1 GB]
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