The film starts in a village in Mandya where two youngsters Venkatesha and Sathish, who have failed their pre-degree courses seven times, create problems. Nandini, an ultra-modern girl comes to the village and attracts Venkatesha, who is prepared to do anything for pleasing the girl. Both Venkatesha and Sathish follow Nandini to Mysore, where she is pursuing studies. A strict principal of the college humiliates Nandini when she crosses the limits. Meanwhile, the principal gets murdered and a police officer suspects Venkatesha and Nandini to be behind this murder. There is a lot of confusion when it is revealed that Nandini is the daughter of a Dubai-based don, who is trying to kill a Mangalore-based don. What happens in the end is revealed in an interesting climax.
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Kalakaar (2012) Marathi 360p + 480p + 720p + 1080p Untouched WebHD x264 AAC
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Views:462 views
Genre: Atishmkv2, Uncategorized
Year: 2012
Duration: 149 Min
Director:Yogaraj Bhat
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